Correlation Between Learning Styles According to the Felder-Silverman Model and the Academic Performance of the Morphology and Function Subject in UniversityStudents

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Héctor Gutiérrez-Espinoza; Felipe Araya-Quintanilla; Juan José Valenzuela-Fuenzalida; Pablo Nova & Maickel Aviles-Walles


The objective if this study was to determine the relation that exists between the predominant tendency of the learning style, according to the Felder-Silverman model, and partial and final academic performance of the students attending the subject Morphology and Function I. A transversal study was carried out among 231 college students who joined the Faculties of Health and Education during the first term of 2019. They received the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire and it was correlated with the mark of the theoretical test n°1, the practical evaluation n° 1 and the final average of the course. Results showed that 53.4 % of the total numbers of students assessed are visual, for these pupils the Spearman correlation coefficient was -0.378 for the theoretical test (p<0.001), -0.467 for the practical evaluation (p<0.001) and -0.500 for the final average (p<0.001). Visual students have higher average marks in the theoretical test and the final average contrasted with the active ones (p<0.05). We concluded that the predominant tendency is the visual style. For these students there is an inverted and statistically significant correlation with the academic performance. Besides, they show significantly higher average marks than the other tendencies.

KEY WORDS: Learning; Academic performance; Felder-Silverman; Anatomy; Correlation of data.

How to cite this article

GUTIÉRREZ-ESPINOZA, H.; ARAYA-QUINTANILLA, F.; VALENZUELA-FUENZALIDA, J. J.; NOVA, P. & AVILES- WALLES, M. Correlation between learning styles according to the Felder-Silverman model and the academic performance of the morphology and function subject in university students. Int. J. Morphol., 41(5):1297-1303, 2023.