Telocytes in HumanEmbryonic Development: A Preliminary Microscopic Anatomy Study

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Kevin Doello; Cristina Mesas; Francisco Quiñonero; Juan Antonio Mérida-Velasco; Gloria Perazzoli; Consolación Melguizo; Raul Ortiz & Jose Prados


Telocytes are a cell population described in 2011 with a multitude of functions such as tissue support, regulation of stem cell niches or intercellular signal transmission. However, there are no studies about their embryonic origin, their function in development, or their moment of appearance. The objective of this work is to try to answer these questions through histological and immunofluorescence studies with samples from the embryological collection of the Department of Anatomy of the University of Grana- da. In the results obtained, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence for CD34, the presence of these cells can be seen in the fourth week of embryonic development in the perinotochordal region. Its presence is evident from the sixth week of development in a multitude of organs such as the heart, skeletal muscle tissue and supporting tissue of various organs such as the kidney, brain or pericardium. Its function seems to be when the embryonic histological images are analyzed in an evolutionary way, to act as a scaffold or scaffold for the subsequent population by mature tissue elements. In conclusion, telocytes appear at a very early stage of embryonic development and would have a fundamental role in it as scaffolding and directors of organ and tissue growth.

KEY WORDS: Telocytes; Human embryonic development; Microscopic anatomy; CD34; Scaffold.

How to cite this article

DOELLO, K.; MESAS, C.; QUIÑONERO, F.; MÉRIDA-VELASCO, J. A.; PERAZZOLI, G.; MELGUIZO, C.; ORTIZ, R. & PRADOS, J. Telocytes in human embryonic development: A preliminary microscopic anatomy study. Int. J. Morphol., 41(5):1394- 1399, 2023.