Multiple Anatomical Variations of the Hepatic Pedicle. Case Report and Clinical Application

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Homero Felipe Bianchi; Rubén Daniel Algieri; Daniela Sanjurjo; Nicolás Ernesto Ottone & Ramón Fuentes


The knowledge in detail of the anatomy of the hepatic pedicle is critical when operating it and its surroundings. The presence of anatomic variations is higher at the arterial component level than at the bile component level or venous component level, which in the 90% of the cases it appears as the classic description. The presented case in this work implies a very low frequency of appearance. For this reason, the surgeon must be alert at the moment of making a decision so as to avoid injuries that may put the patient´s life at risk.

KEY WORDS: Hepatic pedicle; Hepatic hilum; Variations of the hepatic pedicle.

How to cite this article

BIANCHI, H. F.; ALGIERI, R. D.; SANJURJO, D.; OTTONE, N. E. & FUENTES, R. Multiple anatomical variations of the hepatic pedicle. Case report and clinical application. Int. J. Morphol., 32(3):782-785, 2014.