Normative Data of Handgrip Strength in Macedonian Children and Adolescents According to Chronological and Biological Age

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Armend Kastrati; Nazrije Gashi; Georgi Georgiev & Serjozha Gontarev


The handgrip strength is used as a means of individual’s health prediction during life. It is used as an indicator of the nutrition status, bone fragility, presence of sarcopenia and it correlates with certain diseases and clinical complications. The research goal was to analyze the results of the hand dynamometry test, based on the chronological and biological age, and to offer normative and referent standards about children and adolescents from the Republic of North Macedonia. The study was conducted on a sample of 4031 respondents of both sexes at the age 6-14 years. In order to achieve the research goals, the measured characteristics were of the weight, height, sitting height and handgrip strength. The body mass index and biological maturity values (APHV) were obtained by using formulas. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be concluded that statistically significant differences in handgrip strength are established between the boys and girls of all age categories. Also, statistically significant differences between boys and girls are established in the hand dynamometry test of all APHV levels. In general, the use of the APHV allows a better categorization of the performance of the studied children and adolescents. With boys, the correlation between the chronological age and test was 68 %, and with girls - 77 %. The normative referent standards of the hand dynamometry test are presented in percentiles for both sexes. Thye hand dynamometry test’s results during childhood and adolescence should be analyzed and interpret on the basis of biological age, and not on the chronological age. These tools can help specialists who work with children and adolescents in ethnic and epidemiological context.

KEY WORDS: Biological age; Maturity status; Handgrip strength; Children; Adolescents; Normative data.

How to cite this article

KASTRATI, A.; GASHI, N.; GEORGIEV, G. & GONTAREV, S. Normative data of handgrip strength in Macedonian children and adolescents according to chronological and biological age. Int. J. Morphol., 42(1):147-153, 2024.