Changes in Cardiac Morphology and Visceral Fat After the Use of TestosteroneAssociatedwithAerobicExercisein Wistar Rats Induced Diabetes

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Jéssica Perroni Kudiess1; Carolina Freitas da Silva1,2,3; Rebeca Ferreira de Oliveira Souza4; Roseamely Angelica de Carvalho Barros3; Luiz Carlos de Abreu2,4; Anibal Magalhaes Magalhães-Neto5; Luis Carlos Oliveira Gonçalves5; Frederico Balbino Lizardo6; Thiago Montes Fidale3; Luípa Michele Silva3; Rusleyd Maria Magalhães de Abreu1 & Romeu Paulo Martins Silva1,2,3,4


Exercise and anabolic steroids are expected to promote improvements in cardiovascular structure and reduction of visceral fat and, thus, help promote health in hyperglycemic patients. The aim of this study was to verify the influence of aerobic exercise associated with the use of steroids on cardiac structure and visceral fat in hyperglycemic Wistar rats. Methods: Thirty-two young male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control group (n=8), control with treatment (n=8), diabetic (n=8) and diabetic with treatment (n=8). All animals were subjected to intense aerobic exercise and the animals undergoing treatment received intramuscular testosterone. Body weight, visceral fat and cardiac measurements (weight, length and width) were evaluated. The groups treated with testosterone showed a smaller than expected increase in body weight for food intake. Visceral, perirenal, retroperitoneal and epididymal fats were lower in the treated groups. Heart weight was relatively greater in the treated groups and greater width and length in the untreated groups. The proposed association of testosterone administration with aerobic exercise can provide significant benefits for the metabolism of hyperglycemic individuals.

KEY WORDS: Anabolic steroids; Physical activity; Hyperglycemia.

How to cite this article

PERRONI KUDIESS, J.; FREITAS DA SILVA, C.; DE OLIVEIRA SOUZA, F. R.; DE CARVALHO BARROS, R. A.; DE ABREU, L. C.; MAGALHÃES-NETO, A. M.; OLIVEIRA GONÇALVES, L. C.; BALBINO LIZARDO, F.; MONTES FIDALE, T.; SILVA, L. M.; MAGALHÃES DE ABREU, R. M. & MARTINS SILVA, R. P. Changes in cardiac morphology and visceral fat after the use of testosterone associated with aerobic exercise in wistar rats induced diabetes.Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1216-1221, 2024.