Neuroanatomical Relationship Between Nucleus Accumbens A2AR Neurons and Orexin Neurons in the Mouse Brain

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Jian-ping Zhang & Rui-xi Li


To explore morphological evidence for neuronal circuits between adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) neurons in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and orexin neurons. The utilized adeno-associated virus (AAV) encoding humanized Renilla green fluorescent protein (hrGFP) as a tracer to visualize the expression of the A2AR neurons in the NAc and their axon distributions in orexin neurons. The Cre-dependent AAV was injected into the NAc in adenosine A2AR-Cre mice. Immunohistochemistry was then used to visualize hrGFP and their projections in orexin neurons. The data revealed that NAc A2AR neurons, mainly expressed in g-aminobutyric acidergic (GABAergic) projection neurons, projected to the hypothalamus, with apparent contacts of hrGFP containing boutons onto orexin-immunoreactive (IR) soma and dendrites. We also observed strong staining of orexin-IR varicose terminals in the NAc, with apparent contacts of orexin-IR terminals onto A2AR neurons. Furthermore, in the NAc, orexin-IR varicosities contained vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGluT2) and synaptophysin (Syp). These data provide morphological evidence for exploring the function between NAc A2AR neurons and orexin neuron in the hypothalamus, particularly in regulating sleep processes.

KEY WORDS: Nucleus accumbens; Adenosine A2A receptor; Hypothalamus; Orexin; Mouse; Arousal.

How to cite this article

ZHANG, J. P & LI, R. X. Neuroanatomical relationship between nucleus accumbens A Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1267-1277, 2024.