The Last Anatomist Surgeon: Conrad Martin Johann Langenbeck (1776-1851)

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Alfredo Moreno-Egea; Carlos Moreno-Latorre & Alfredo Moreno-Latorre


The German Conrad Johann Martin Langenbeck made important contributions to anatomical and surgical knowledge during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However, His work and legacy is little known and difficult to access, both in Europe and in America. Literature review of the databases PubMed, LILACS, Cochrane Library; “Google” and university libraries. The following keywords have been used: “anatomy and surgery”. In this analysis a critical analysis of the known literature about this historical figure is carried out. His multiple contributions to the study of human morphology, his surgical interventions, his legacy at the University of Göttingen and the German model of surgery are noted. Langenbeck was a prominent anatomist, surgeon, professor and researcher, before the discovery of anesthesia changed everything, a time when cadaver dissection was essential to the design of successful operations. The name of CJM Langenbeck will always endure through his work, anatomical terms and operations, and he should be remembered as the last anatomist surgeon of the 19th century.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Surgery; Illustrated atlas; Anatomical and Surgical teaching; History; Göttingen.

How to cite this article

MORENO-EGEA, A.; MORENO-LATORRE, C. & MORENO- LATORRE, A. The last anatomist surgeon: Conrad Martin Johann Langenbeck (1776-1851). Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1328-1337, 2024.