How Medicine and Surgery Students Learn Human Macroscopic Anatomy

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Janneth Rocío Zúñiga; Sonia Osorio-Toro & Luz Edith Pérez


The purpose of this research was to understand how second-semester students of the Medicine and Surgery academic program at Universidad del Valle learn about the main ideas of Human Macroscopic Anatomy (HMA). As a methodological proposal, a case study was carried out. Students' knowledge and understanding of HMA was assessed. For this, the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) model was taken into account, which includes the motivations and interests for learning, as well as the student’ previous ideas. A participant observation of the theoretical and practical classes was carried out for 16 weeks, recording observations in a field diary, and obtaining audiovisual material. All the information was organized in an analytical index, creating codes for the analysis. The analysis, interpretation and representation of results were done using the ATLAS.ti 22 software. It was found that students learn the main ideas of HMA through a process that implies commitment to their academic training, where interests, motivations, prior knowledge and participation are involved. It is important that different study methods are used during this process, and that there is the support from the professor and the institution, who should favor the learning and immersion of the students into the academic world and university culture, through the design of proposals that integrate teaching, learning and assessment, and also take into account the social and cultural realities of their students.

KEY WORDS: Learning,; Human anatomy; Medicine; Education.

How to cite this article

ZÚÑIGA, J.R.; OSORIO-TORO, S. & PÉREZ, L.E. How medicine and surgery students learn human macroscopic anatomy. Int. J. Morphol., 42(5):1382-1393, 2024.