Facial Biotype in Three Colombian Ethnic Groups: a New Classification by Facial Index

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Bedoya, A.; Osorio, J. C. & Tamayo, J. A.


The aim of this study is evaluate the facial index of three Colombian populations and propose a new method to identifythe facial morphological biotypes taking into account the type of ascendancy. For this, measures were taken of Nasion to Gnation and bizygomatic distance with a digital caliper in three ethnic groups: 63 children from Ticuna population (Amazonas), 68 children from municipality of Puerto Tejada (Cauca) and 65 children from municipality Santiago de Cali (Valle). Through the post hoc Tamhane's T2 was determined that the populations are different and the facial morphological index did not discriminate these differences. We used the statistical method of fuzzy clusters to determine the number of groups or biotypes for each type of ascendancy. We concluded that mixed populations and African descent have similarities, therefore they were grouped together and the c-means algorithm generated four biotypes characteristic, while the indigenous population Ticuna (Amazon) only generated three biotypes.

KEY WORDS: Biotype; Ascendancy; Facial index; Fuzzy cluster.

How to cite this article

BEDOYA, A.; OSORIO, J. C. & TAMAYO, J. A. Facial biotype in three colombian ethnic groups: a new classification by facial index. Int. J. Morphol., 30(2):677-682, 2012.