Biometric study of the distribution of the motor branches of the superficial fibular nerve in the lateral compartment of the leg in Brazilian individuals: clinical implications and variations

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Pelozo Jr, O.; Garbelotti Jr, S.A.; Itezeroti, A.M.; Cricenti, S.V. ; de Angelis, M.A. & Olave , E.


The purpose of the present study was to know the distribution of the motor branches of the superficial fibular nerve (SFN) and their respective motor points in the fibular muscles in relation to the apex of the head of the fibula, dividing the lateral compartment of the leg in three regions in order to make possible a safer view of your clinical and surgical correlations. Through dissection, 60 paired legs of 30 adult cadavers, of both sexes, Brazilians, with an average age of 44.9 years, 8 being female and 22 male, were studied. After the dissection, the distances of the motor points of the NFS branches in the fibularis longus (FLm) and brevis (FBm) muscles were recorded, locating them in the proximal, middle or distal thirds. It was observed that the largest number of branches penetrated the FLm at the level of the distal part of the proximal third of the leg, while in the FBm they did so in the proximal and distal parts of the middle third of the leg. The motor branches for the FLm penetrated into the muscular belly between 48.06 and 141.56 mm, and the branches for the FBm did between 163.34 and 209.67 mm of the origin of the nerve. There were no statistically significant differences between the right and left sides or between genres. Regardless of the methodological differences between the available studies, the detail of the nervous distribution in this compartment will allow a greater precision at the time of choosing an area for autologous graft flap and a lower chance of iatrogenic injuries during surgeries of the region.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Superficial fibular nerve; Fibular muscles; Anatomical variations.

How to cite this article

PELOZO JR, O.; GARBELOTTI JR, S. A.; ITEZEROTI, A. M.; CRICENTI, S. V. ; DE ANGELIS, M. A. & OLAVE, E. Biometric study of the distribution of the motor branches of the superficial fibular nerve in the lateral compartment of the leg in Brazilian individuals: clinical implications and variations. Int. J. Morphol., 36(4):1447-1452, 2018.