Anthropometric Profile, Somatotype and Nutritional Status of Mexican Taekwondoin

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Itzel Adilene Manjarrez-Bastidas; José Aldo Hernández-Murúa; Ciria Margarita Salazar C.; Mauricio Avendaño-Soto; María Magdalena Salazar-Landeros; Juan Luis Soto-Peña & Lenin Tlamatini Barajas Pineda


Body composition, somatotype and nutritional status are essential tools for monitoring the performance of high-performance athlete. The objective of the present study was to verify the body composition, the dominant somatotype and nutritional status of high-performance taekwondo athletes of the Mexican TKD team. The anthropometric profile, somatotype and nutritional status were determined in sixteen Mexican TKD athletes [8 men, mean age 21.5 yrs. (19.8-23.0 95% CI); 8 women, mean age 21.9 yrs. (19.2-24.4 95% CI)]. An independent-samples t-test was used to compare the means between both genders (Men vs. Women). The height (p = 0.001), the anterior thigh (p = 0.006) and calf (p = 0.049) folds, the flexed arm circumference (p = 0.047), the humerus (p = 0.011) and femur (p = 0.012) diameters, the fat free mass (p = 0.020) and arm total area (p = 0.049) and arm muscle area (p = 0.001) were significantly different between men and women. The percentage of body fat and arm fat area were not significant between both genders. A normal caloric reserve, but a slightly high percentage of body fat was observed for both genders. In addition, normal and high protein reserves were identified for men and women, respectively. An ecto-mesomorphic somatotype was highlighted in both men (2.1-3.2-4.2) and in the group (2.4-3.1-3.8), but ectomorphic- mesomorphic (2.8-3.2-3.4) to women. The somatotype of the Mexican TKD athlete predominated by a greater relative linearity followed by a musculoskeletal magnitude and a lower relative adiposity. The findings of this study provide morphological evidence to monitor the physical and nutritional performance of the high-performance TKD athlete.

KEY WORDS: Taekwondo athlete; Anthropometric Profile; Somatotype; Nutritional Status.

How to cite this article

MANJARREZ-BASTIDAS, I. A.; HERNÁNDEZ-MURÚA, J. A.; SALAZAR, C. C. M.; AVENDAÑO-SOTO, M.; SALAZAR-LANDEROS, M. M.; SOTO-PEÑA, J. L. & BA- RAJAS, P. L. T. Anthropometric profile, somatotype and nutritional status of Mexican taekwondoín. Int. J. Morphol., 40(4):959-965, 2022.