Myology of the Cephalic Region of Urobatis concentricus and Urobatis maculatus (Chondrichthyes: Urotrygonidae)

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Mónica González-Isáis & Héctor Marcos Montes-Domínguez


The study of the anatomy of the cephalic musculature has been of great relevance to propose phylogenetic hypotheses in the different groups of batoids. It has also been useful to understand the different organisms’ lifestyles and feeding mechanisms. The aim of this work was to describe the myology of the dorsal and ventral cephalic region of Urobatis concentricus and Urobatis maculatus. Most variations in the cephalic musculature between both species are related to the muscles shape and developmental degree. The main differences in the dorsal region are found in the quadratomandibularis dorsalis major, ethmoideus paraethmoidalis and spiracularis muscles. In the ventral region, muscles showing variation were the depressor rostralis, the coracoarcualis, the preorbitalis medialis and the depressor mandibularis. Ocular dorsal and ventral muscles showed a similar arrangement. However, dorsal muscles are more developed in U. concentricus, while the ventral ones are larger in U. maculatus.

KEY WORDS: Urobatis; Urotrygonidae; Cephalic musculature.


How to cite this article

GONZÁLEZ-ISÁIS, M. & MONTES-DOMÍNGUEZ, H. M. Myology of the cephalic region of Urobatis concentricus y Urobatis maculatus (Chondrichthyes: Urotrygonidae) Int. J. Morphol., 43(1):123-130, 2025.