Estudio Clínico y Anatómico sobre la Localización del Ramo Temporal del Nervio Facial que Cruza el Arco Cigomático

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Na-Shun Mengke; Fei-fei Li; Qian Zhang; Chang Su; Pu Chun; Xi-da Ma; Tao Qin; Yan-yan Chi1; Sheng-bo Yu & Hong-jin Sui


To clarify the path of the temporal branch of facial nerve (TB) crossing the zygomatic arch (ZA). Eighteen fresh adult heads specimens were carefully dissected in the zygomatic region, with the location of TB as well as its number documented. The hierarchical relationship between the temporal branch and the soft tissue in this region was observed on 64 P45 plastinated slices. 1. TB crosses the ZA as type I (21.8 %), type II (50.0 %,), and type III (28.1 %) twigs. 2. At the level of the superior edge of the ZA, the average distance between the anterior trunk of TB and the anterior part of the auricle is 36.36±6.56 mm, for the posterior trunk is 25.59±5.29 mm. At the level of the inferior edge of the ZA, the average distance between the anterior trunk of TB and the anterior part of the auricle is 25.77±6.19 mm, for the posterior trunk is 19.16±4.71 mm. 3. The average length of ZA is 62.06±5.36 mm. TB crosses the inferior edge of the ZA at an average of 14.67±6.45 mm. TB crosses the superior edge of the ZA at an average of 9.08±4.54 mm. 4. At the level of the ZA, TB passes on the surface of the pericranium while below the SMAS. The TB obliquely crosses the middle 1/3 part of the superior margin of the ZA and the junction of the middle 1/3 part and the posterior 1/3 part of the inferior margin of the ZA below the SMAS while beyond the periosteum. It is suggested that this area should be avoided in clinical operation to avoid the injury of TB.

KEY WORDS: Temporal branch of facial nerve; Zygomatic arch; P45 sectional plastination technique.

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MENGKE, N. S.; LI, F. F.; ZHANG, Q.; SU, C.; CHUN, P.; MA, X. D.; QIN, T.; CHI, Y. Y.; YU, S. B. & SUI, H. J. A clinical and anatomical study on the localization of the temporal branch of the facial nerve crossing the zygomatic arch. Int. j. Morphol., 41(3):959- 964, 2023.